How Much Does the Average Foundation Repair Cost?

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An estimated 78% of homeowners worry about the condition of their home’s foundation. No one wants to wonder if their home is safe to live in, or if there’s a serious underlying issue that will cost them tens of thousands. Finding another problem with your house is the last thing you want.

However, with the average home in the U.S. being 46 years old, finding a problem with your foundation is all too common. There is more than one reason why a crack in your foundation may appear, and you will want to figure out the foundation repair cost as soon as possible. 

Putting off foundation repairs can have a serious impact on the structural stability of your home as well as the health of its occupants. If you have been ignoring that crack in the corner of your basement, now is the time to get the facts so you can get it fixed. Keep reading to learn what causes foundation cracks and what you can expect to pay for repair. 

What Causes Foundation Cracks

There are several potential culprits behind cracks in your foundation. While it is important to take care of the crack itself, you will want to take care of the underlying issue causing your foundation to crack.

Some reasons why your foundation could have a crack include:

  • Tree roots taking moisture from the soil near your foundation
  • Poor foundation construction
  • Plumbing leaks
  • Poor drainage
  • Soil type
  • Foundation settling

When you first notice the crack in your foundation, try to figure out which of these causes is to blame. If it is an easily identifiable problem, try to resolve it the best you can. That might involve removing a tree or bush, cleaning your gutters, or getting a plumber out to look at your pipes. 

If the issue is more complex and caused by moisture seeping in, consider having your basement waterproofed. This is even something you can get done before you notice any cracks in your foundation.

How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost? 

Identifying the cost of the repair to the foundation depends on a number of factors. The size of the foundation crack and the root cause of the issue is what will determine your repair costs.

If the crack is small and less than 1/8 of an inch wide, it will cost only a few hundred dollars to repair. These cracks typically are not a sign of structural damage and can easily be repaired.

Cracks wider than this can be a sign of structural damage and should be looked at by a professional. 

If the crack in your foundation is due to a more serious issue like the home settling or sinking, or if there is bowing in the wall of the foundation it will typically cost around $4700, though it can be much more. This is also the case when there is a major foundation leak that requires waterproofing. This process is usually much more involved than a simple crack repair, and all three issues require professional work.

To be more specific in pricing, for bowing walls the cost can be anywhere from $4000 to $25,000 depending on the severity of the bowing. This can require steel beams or replacing the entire wall to fix. Bowed walls are caused by immense outward pressure placed on your foundation walls causing them to lean inward. 

For cracks resulting from settling or sinking foundations, the process is for the foundation to be raised and secured on piers, which typically cost between $1000 to $3000 each. A sinking foundation is caused by shifting soil and moisture that will need to be fixed before raising the foundation.

What Can Armored Basement Do?

Armored Basement is the leading expert in waterproofing your basement in the Baltimore area. Bowed walls and a sinking foundation are often the results of a serious problem with water that you didn’t know about in time. Armored Basement offers two main solutions to your leak problems: closing current cracks caused by leaks, and preventing future leaks from happening.

Armored Basement can seal the crack in your foundation and divert water to your waterproofing system. To finish the job, our technician will do the following:

  • V-groove the crack and seal it with hydraulic cement
  • Cover the crack with heavy-duty vinyl that prevents further leaking and diverts the water to your waterproofing system

For bowing walls, we can stabilize them by installing steel I-beam supports to carbon fiber straps in accordance with the structural engineer’s report.  

Besides this crack repair or stabilization processes, there is also the Armored Basement waterproofing system. This is a sub-floor pressure relief system that works to remove water away from your foundation and from causing cracks or worse. Instead of trying to fight against water coming into your basement, this waterproofing system diverts the water away from your foundation and releases it into your sump pump.

Waterproofing your basement is an excellent decision to help prevent further cracks in your foundation. This process can cost anywhere from $2000 to $7000, but in the end, it is well worth the price for a dry and safe basement.

Prevent Foundation Cracks Today 

Feeling safe in your home should be one of your top priorities. No one wants to wonder if the structural integrity of their house is safe for them to live in. By paying attention to cracks and other signs of damage to your foundation, you can protect your home from issues that can cost you thousands. 

Although the cost of repairing different basement cracks and their causes can be very expensive, on average the cost is only $4700. By getting ahead of the issue and contacting our team, you can have your basement looked at and fixed before your foundation repair cost skyrockets.