Your Ultimate Guide to the Basement Waterproofing Cost

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Every year, one in every fifty homes will make a claim on their insurance for water damage. In many cases, this is because of burst pipes in the home. In others, it’s because of water coming into the basement.

Basement waterproof sealing is the only way to prevent this from happening. But how does this work? How much does basement waterproofing cost?

There are many factors that can affect the price of waterproofing your home’s basement. It’s worth every penny to prevent major water and foundation damage in your home.

Read on to learn the major factors that determine the cost of basement waterproofing.

Size of the Basement

The first thing you need to consider when you’re getting quotes for basement waterproofing is how big the space is. The size of your basement is going to affect the cost of labor and materials to waterproof it.

On the labor side, a larger basement creates more work for the contractors. The more area they have to cover, the longer it’ll take for them to finish the work. This also means that it’ll cost a lot more for them to complete all of your work for you.

The material side of this follows a similar principle. The larger your basement, the more material you’ll need to seal it completely. If you need a lot of materials to seal your entire basement, then the price is also going to increase.

The average sealed basement cost is between $5 to $10 per square foot. In other words, you’ll pay more for your basement waterproofing if you have a large basement instead of a small one.

The average total price is between $2,000 and $7,000. A large basement will therefore be closer to $7,000 with a smaller basement costing closer to the $2,000 end of the scale.

Type of Sealant

Every basement is different. You’ll see water in some areas and not others, for example. Some basements just need a little extra protection while others need a full system to keep it dry.

This means that contractors are going to do different work to protect each basement from water leaks. This difference in work is also going to affect your basement’s waterproofing cost.

For starters, a simple solution for some mild dampness might include acrylic paint. This is very easy to apply and requires no more work than a professional painter might do. You’ll see these solutions costing closer to the $2,000 mark or even less.

Other solutions require a lot more work and time. The more labor and time a job takes, the more it will cost. Basement waterproofing is no exception to this rule.

Serious water leak issues need stronger solutions. One such solution is sump pumps that redirect the water out of the basement and keep it dry rather than simply trying to prevent water from getting in. This will probably cost closer to the true national average cost of $4,500. 

The biggest takeaway here is that the more complex the system, the more it’s going to cost.

Exterior vs. Interior

There are two major ways to waterproof a basement. The first is from the inside. The second is from the outside.

To start with, this will affect the type of sealant used for the job.

When you’re sealing your basement from the outside, then chances are you’re trying to prevent rainwater from entering your basement after it rains. This usually involves redirecting water from outside away from your home. You might also reinforce the outside to stand up against more water than it already does.

From the inside, some companies will focus on reinforcing your structure to prevent water from coming in. Others won’t try to fight water from entering your home, but try to direct it out once it’s in so that your home dries faster and stays clean.

In general, exterior sealing will cost more. It requires more labor since they need to dig up the foundation to apply any sealant to it. So this type of waterproofing is going to cost closer to the $7,000 end of the scale.

On the other hand, interior sealing usually doesn’t require nearly as much labor. One or two people can usually finish the job in a single day. Therefore, this is going to cost closer to the $2,000 end of the scale. 


Finally, the last thing that you need to consider is your location. The cost of living in your area, for example, is a major factor in the cost of any contract work you might do on your house. Think about how much a tank of gas or a gallon of milk costs in your area, this will give you a good idea of what the cost of living is like around you.

If the cost of living is low in your area, then workers from your neighborhood generally don’t need to charge as much to make a fair living. These areas will cost closer to the $2,000 mark in this case.

On the other hand, in areas where the cost of living is higher, contractors need to charge more to make ends meet. It’s nothing personal; everyone needs to earn a living. However, these areas will see costs closer to the $7,000 end of the scale for their basement waterproofing cost.

Again, this is something you won’t have any control over, but it is something that you should be aware of. That way you won’t be surprised too badly when you receive your quotes.

Find Out Your Home’s Basement Waterproofing Cost Today

Your home’s basement waterproofing cost is going to depend on the factors above. In the end, it’s really about how much work will need to be done and what kind of work. However, all of this is necessary to protect your basement from major water damage.

Here at Armored Basement Waterproofing, we specialize in keeping your basement dry by keeping the water moving out instead of fighting it from coming in. Our policy is patience, and we never use high-pressure sales tactics.

Get a quote from us today and see what we can do for you.