Why Interior Waterproofing Is the Right Solution for Homeowners

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The vast majority of people do not realize how common water damage is. In fact, about 98% of basements in the United States suffer from at least some kind of water damage. Maybe that is why demand for effective waterproofing services continues to go up year by year!

However, many people are unsure about whether interior waterproofing or exterior waterproofing is the right choice for them. In most cases, interior waterproofing is the better option. However, some people do not realize that until they experience problems with exterior waterproofing themselves.

On the other hand, interior waterproofing is reliable and affordable in a wide variety of circumstances. Read on to learn all about interior waterproofing and why it might be the right choice for your situation!

What Is Interior Waterproofing?

Many people find it easier to imagine how exterior waterproofing works. By creating a waterproof layer all around the outside of your home, it creates a barrier that helps to keep water out.

However, many people find that exterior waterproofing fails to prevent a flooded basement. So what does interior waterproofing do to prevent such damage?

Interior waterproofing makes sure that any water that enters your home gets directed away from your home. Using special pipes, contractors can make it so that any water that gets inside goes out to a sump pump instead.

That sump pump can pull water up and out of your home. To make sure that this system works even under difficult circumstances, sump pumps can also come with a battery.

That means that they keep working even if your power goes out. That can come in handy during a serious storm.

There are also other methods to waterproof your home from the inside. Contractors can install waterproof sheets to keep moisture from finding any way to get deeper into your home.

This kind of interior waterproofing is easy to install. On top of that, it can work almost as well as more extensive alternatives that include a sump pump.

Interior Waterproofing Can Prevent a Flooded Basement

The first thing to understand about interior waterproofing is that it often works better than exterior options. Exterior waterproofing tends to rely on a seal made out of tar. This can work if water temporarily comes in contact with the seal.

However, if water sits on such a seal for long enough, it will tend to work its way inside your home. On the other hand, interior waterproofing can get any approaching water up and away from your home.

That means that your seals will not be subject to constant pressure from water outside. That makes them more resistant and successful at preventing leaks.

Interior Waterproofing Is More Flexible

Another great thing about interior waterproofing is that almost anyone can get it. Exterior waterproofing requires a special set of circumstances. Contractors need to be able to dig all around a home to create a waterproof barrier from the outside.

However, interior waterproofing is available to people whether or not that kind of excavation is possible.

Interior Basement Waterproofing Lasts Longer

Exterior waterproofing options often fail within only 5-10 years or so. In contrast, interior waterproofing can last for decades. As a result, you might expect that interior waterproofing would be more expensive.

In fact, the opposite is true. Despite the fact that interior waterproofing lasts much longer, it is also more affordable. In part, that is because it is so much easier and faster to set up interior waterproofing.

Interior Waterproofing Comes With Better Warranties

Companies are only able to offer warranties that they rarely have to pay for. If a system tends to fail within 5-10 years, companies cannot afford to offer a warranty that lasts 20 years. In contrast, systems that last for decades can enjoy lifetime warranties.

That is exactly what happens with interior waterproofing. You can find plenty of quality companies that will put their money where their mouth is by offering a lifetime warranty for their interior waterproofing.

A warranty comes in handy if anything goes wrong. However, it is also a statement of confidence. It shows that a company is confident that nothing will go wrong.

Although it is great to have a warranty, in the vast majority of cases, homeowners will never need to use their warranty for interior waterproofing.

Interior Waterproofing Can Prevent Basement Leaks and Reverse Them

When you know more about interior waterproofing, you can appreciate how it can reverse leaks in a certain sense. If water starts to infiltrate your home, the pipes and pump system of your interior waterproofing installation will grab water near your home and take it far away.

This is one of the reasons why interior waterproofing tends to last so long. Even when there is a lot of water outside, most of it will be kept away from your waterproof barrier. That means that your barrier will only need to hold strong for a little while before potential incoming water is taken away.

That decreases wear and tear on your interior waterproof barrier. As a result, you end up dealing with fewer or no water leaks at all. Also, as a result, your waterproof barrier will last for decades without wearing out!

Understand the Advantages of Interior Waterproofing

The more that you know about interior waterproofing, the more you will appreciate why it is almost always the right choice for homeowners. It is much less likely to run into problems that ruin the installation process or make it more expensive. On top of that, it lasts longer and works in a wider variety of situations.

To learn more about what interior waterproofing might be able to do for you, reach out and get in touch with us here!