How to Prevent Flooding With Window Well Drains

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It is estimated that 98% of basements will suffer from water damage at some point. What’s more, is that 14.6 million properties in the United States are at risk of flooding, according to CBS News.

Though these large numbers can be daunting, it is important to note that you can take precautions to prevent water damage and flooding in your basement. All it takes is proper research to protect your property from these catastrophes that can be unsightly and costly.

The best way to prevent flooding is through interior basement waterproofing. Namely, window well drains. We’re here to teach you how they work and what the installation process entails.

What Are the Signs of Water Damage?

First, you should know the telltale signs of water damage, as well as the importance of fixing these issues. Without maintenance, they can lead to bigger issues such as basement flooding.

Cracks in your walls should tip you off to the presence of water damage in your basement. These are long, vertical cracks in your wall that often leak water. 

You may also notice odors or stains on your furniture. This can lead to mold, whether visible or invisible. As many people know, mold can cause health issues or even lead to death in severe cases.

Luckily, early signs like cracks, odors, and stains are easily fixable. Informing a professional about them when they come to install your window well drains will tip them off on the severity of your problem, as well as how to fix them correctly. Our company offers comprehensive foundation repair services for issues like these.

What Are Window Well Drains?

If you have a basement, it is likely you already have a window well. It is the hole dug around a basement window that is fitted with a metal or plastic u-shaped piece. This allows natural light into your basement.

Window well drains are necessary to keep water from filling the hole around your window. Left undrained, water can put pressure on the glass in your window, leading to cracks. Too much water can also seep into cracks in your wall, which may cause water damage or mold in your basement walls.

A drain for your window well will lead pooled water away from your home. The concept is simple enough, but there are many steps to take to ensure your window well drains to properly prevent flooding in your home.

Proper Grading

First, you should ensure the soil around the window well is graded. This means that the landscape should be properly leveled and prepared for your project.

Water in your well can change the soil around the well over time, which means you may need to call a professional to introduce more soil or ensure all of it is going the right way. With improper grading, it is more likely these soil issues will cause flooding in your basement.

The right water well drain will be able to prevent grading issues, as it redirects the water away from the soil.

Soil gradation may be confusing if you are not a landscaper, therefore it may be helpful to do your research on the type of soil in your yard.

Installing the Drain Connection

Though the concept of the window well drain seems simple, it is best to leave the installation to the professionals.

After you grade your soil, the second step is to stick the drain pipe into the foundation of your wall. This requires drilling through the soil into the hard foundation.

We will then connect the pipe to the french drain and sump pump. If your home does not have a pre-existing sump pump, we will be able to install one or more for you. The number of sump pumps necessary will depend on the size of your basement.

Finally, we place a fresh layer of gravel at the bottom of your water well. This allows any water pooling at the bottom to move faster through the drain, rather than collecting in the water well.

Maintaining Your Drains

Once you have your window well drain installed, you need to make sure you are taking proper care of it.

Like any drain in your home, these require frequent cleaning. Leaves, twigs, dirt, and other debris can easily build up over time. 

You may choose to clear the pipes yourself with a pressure wash, or you can call a professional to ensure the parts you can’t reach yourself are cleaned as well.

Window well covers also assist with the maintenance of your drain. These covers act as a small roof to keep rain, hail, snow, and other weather conditions from building up in your drain.

What is the Cost?

Installing window well drains can cost anywhere from $2000 to $20,000. The cost largely depends on the number and difficulty of installations. How many materials (such as piping) you will need affects the cost, and installing more than one drain requires more materials.

Pre-existing flooding damage in your basement will also affect the cost, as it costs more money to remove water and restore your basement to its previous state.

Whatever you pay for your installation, it is worth the cost knowing that you are preventing any further damage to your property.

Install Your Window Well Drain Today

By now, you should understand the necessity of window well drains for any basement in the United States.

At Armored Basement Waterproofing, we can alleviate any water damage or flooding risk with our wide range of interior basement waterproofing methods. From window well drains to wall liners and foundation crack repair, you can rest assured your home will stay safe and dry.

Click here to contact us and schedule your free inspection today.