Eight Subtle Signs of a Water Damaged Basement

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Water damage affects 14,000 Americans every single day with 98% of US homes expected to have a water-damaged basement at some point.

The thing about water damage is, it’s not always apparent when it’s occurred. Most of the time, it’s not going to be a flood or a massive breach in your home that causes water damage. It’s just as likely that some small issue over a long period of time will cost you thousands in water damage.

For that reason, it’s important to recognize the subtle signs of water damage early. The earlier you detect them, the faster you can deal with them and prevent costly damage. 

Today, we’re going to tell you 8 of these signs and what you can do to prevent and deal with each issue. Read on and you’ll be able to take the right basement waterproofing measures to avoid basement and foundation damage.

1. Musty Smells

The subtlety of the musty smell in your basement will depend on how much water damage you’ve got. If the water damage is far along, it can lead to mold, which is often the source of this musty smell

When the smell is more prominent, it’s likely that there’s significant decay and deterioration in the basement. Even when it’s a faint smell, however, you should try to locate the source and have it dealt with as soon as possible. 

2. Mold Growth

The reason you need to deal with mold sooner rather than later is that it can have a brutal effect on your home’s foundation. As it eats away at the wood, drywall, and insulation in your basement, it compromises the structure of your foundation and thus, your home in general.

In most cases, mold can be fairly benign, but it depends on the type of mold and where it is in the basement. It can grow anywhere where moisture and oxygen are present, so it’s common all around the house and particularly in the basement.

When you discover a significant amount of mold, there’s a good chance that there’s even more than you can’t see. It’s best to have it dealt with by a professional, then have your basement waterproofed with our amazing services.

3. Health Problems

One of the really unfortunate side effects of mold in the home is potential health issues. One in five people have mold allergies, the symptoms of which vary from person to person. Most commonly, they’re similar to the symptoms of dust and pet dander allergies.

Much is made of the other health effects of mold in the home, which are more anecdotal than scientifically proven. Some people report shortness of breath, as well as eye, nose, and throat irritation. Those that already suffer from asthma may experience worsening symptoms.

If you start noticing these health issues cropping up without detecting mold, it’s probably hiding in the nooks and crannies of your basement or behind the walls. Again, you’ll need a remediation specialist to come and perform tests in your basement to find out for sure.

4. Dampness

You may not always notice the dampness in your basement, but you can feel it if you pay close attention. There’ll be moisture in the air and some of the surfaces may even feel wet to the touch. If this includes your basement floor or the areas around your foundation, it could spell trouble.

If you have a water damaged foundation, the entire structure of your home may be compromised. This could simply be the result of poor drainage in the soil around your home, but it could result in cracks in the foundation or sinkholes around the base of the home.

It’s always smart to inspect the ground around your home, as well as your gutters and roof. If water isn’t draining properly from your gutters, it can pool around your home and create the issues we’ve described here.

5. Stains On the Walls

Water stains can be more difficult to detect in a dark basement than in other areas of the home. If you’ve got a finished basement, look for brown or yellow stains on the walls. The darker the stain is, the fresher the water damage.

If you have lots of dry light stains in your basement, it’s likely that you’ll find mold behind the walls. Whether these are coming from outside or leaky pipes behind your walls, it’s important to deal with them as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.

6. Dripping Sounds

You have to use all of your senses when trying to detect water damage. We’re not sure if you can taste water damage, but we’ve already discussed touch, smell, and sight, so now it’s time to listen for the water.

If you hear dripping sounds, it’s a fairly obvious sign that water is coming in where you don’t want it. To check for sure, turn off all of your faucets, preferably in the early morning when noise is at a minimum, and start listening.

It can be incredibly tricky to hear smaller pipe leaks, which leaves you vulnerable to small problems becoming big ones. If you suspect a leak, it’s best to have a professional come and do a proper inspection.

7. Irregularities On the Main Floor

Water damage in the basement will have effects on the main floor of your home as well. As it starts to damage your basement, you’ll start to have things like foundation damage, which can affect various aspects of your home.

The structure might look uneven or you may notice cracks in floor tiles, nails popping out of drywall, or windows and doors sticking. These little mysteries could all be pointing to the same issue: water damage in the basement.

8. High Water Bills

One of the telltale signs that you’ve got a water leak in your home might not come from you physically sensing it. You may open your mail one day to find that your water bills have skyrocketed. If there’s no legitimate explanation for this, there could be water damage lurking behind your walls.

Avoid Water-Damaged Basement With the Right Treatment

If you notice any of these signs and symptoms, there’s a good chance you’ve got a water-damaged basement. Dealing with a water-damaged basement can be a nightmare unless you catch it early, which you should be able to do now that you know what to look for.

The only surefire way to avoid water damage is with basement waterproofing. At Armored Basement Waterproofing, we know that to waterproof a basement, you have to be proactive. With our pressure relief waterproofing system, you’ll never have to worry about water damage again.

If you want to enjoy your basement (and your home) for years to come, contact us for a free inspection.