Do Waterproof Paints and Sealants Prevent Flooded Basements?

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Did you know that nearly 98% of basements in America will face some sort of water damage?

This means your basement may be vulnerable. While the issue may start with little seepage, it can lead to severe damage if left unchecked. This is why you need to waterproof your basement.

As a homeowner, you may opt for waterproof paints and sealants since they are inexpensive. What’s more, they are easy to apply. But will they solve your leaky basement problem?

Unfortunately, they won’t. Although they come with a lot of promises, they may not live up to the hype of keeping your basement dry. Read on to learn the reasons why you should avoid them.

Not a Permanent Waterproofing Solution

Waterproofing paints and sealers are nothing more than band-aids. After applying them, you will notice that the leaking and seeping will stop immediately. But only for a short while.

They act as an extra barrier but will allow water to enter your home over time. When you apply waterproof paint and sealant, you only hide the moisture problem. With time, you may start to notice little bubbles of paint forming on your basement walls.

This shows that water and moisture will find their way into your home despite your efforts of applying waterproof paints. As a result, you may have to deal with costly damage.

Can Cause Damage to the Foundation

The materials that comprise basement walls—like concrete—are often porous. This means they allow moisture to get in. When you cover your basement walls in waterproof paint or sealant, moisture will only get trapped behind the paint, causing your walls to degrade faster.

Paints and sealants can cause certain basement wall materials to increase pressure due to the water in them. They also create a type of bubble that keeps the pressure in one point, which can cause structural damage.

Can Lead to Unattractive Peeling and Flaking

If you are dealing with significant water seepage into your basement, waterproofing paints can start peeling and flaking due to efflorescence. It makes your basement look unappealing. What’s more, it shows you have a bigger problem.

This is why you should consider waterproof systems that are more water resistant than paints and sealants.

What to Do After Waterproof Paints Lead to Water Damage in Your Basement

Basement waterproof paints can fail, leading to severe flooding damage in your home. Here’s what you can do to ensure you protect your home.

Switch Off the Electricity and Gas

Before going to the flooded basement, ensure you turn off the electricity. It reduces the risk of electric shock.

If the electricity isn’t turned off, water may be conducting electrical currents from a submerged power outlet, which can lead to electrocution. Additionally, you should turn off any gas appliances.

Call Your Insurance Company

Not all home insurance policies cover flood damage. Your homeowners’ insurance will vary based on the policies you have. Hopefully, you have extra coverage before the flooding.

To be sure, contact your insurance company to find out. If you’re covered, the insurance company will send an agent to evaluate the damage and determine if it’s a covered loss. Ensure you follow the adjuster’s instructions so that your insurance benefits aren’t canceled.

Also, document the damage and the values of each item. It will help your claim.

Drain Water Out of the Basement

To avoid further damage, start removing the water from the basement. Ensure you wear protective clothing–like rubber boots and gloves– during this process. This will protect you from bacteria-filled water and injuries.

Depending on the level of flooding, you may have to remove drywall, flooring, and insulation. If you can’t handle the job on your own, call a water damage restoration company. They have the expertise and equipment to get the job done right.

Remove Damaged Items

From furniture to clothes, you need to remove damaged items and place them in a dry, well-ventilated area. It prevents mold or mildew growth in your home.

Also, consider the items you can keep and the ones you need to throw out. If items can’t be restored, you will have to get rid of them.

Dry/Dehumidify the Basement

Removing water and damaged items isn’t enough to prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your basement. For a completely dry basement, you need to use a fan or dehumidifier to keep the moist air out.

You can also use a centralized air conditioner. However, avoid using the heater.

Waterproof Your Basement

After restoration, you must prevent future water damage. Do this by installing high-quality basement waterproofing systems instead of waterproof paints. They help direct excess water away from your home, ensuring you have a dry basement.

Contact a certified basement waterproofing company to help you decide on the best system for your home.

Dependable Interior Waterproofing Solutions

Looking to ditch unreliable waterproofing paints and sealants? Check out the viable waterproofing solutions below.

Basement Sump Pump

Since it’s the lowest part of your home, the basement is most susceptible to flooding. Sump pumps provide optimal protection against water damage. They move water out of a tank or pit, moving it away from your building.

Sub-Floor Pressure Relief Systems

No matter the age of your home, groundwater will be present under your property. Its levels often rise after a storm and can cause flooding. The sub-floor pressure relief system can help by directing the removal of water from the ground.

Window Drains

Windows can make your basement vulnerable to flooding. Installing window drains can offer relief. They can direct excess water from the window area to a sump pump.

Wall Liners

Wall liners offer added protection against water seepage and leakage through your basement. They can direct any water in your basement directly to a subfloor system and out of your home. It helps protect your drywall.

Final Word: Are Waterproof Paints and Sealants Recommended for Your Basement?

Waterproof paints and sealants aren’t an ideal waterproofing option for your home. Professional basement waterproofing ensures that leaks are re-routed away from the home using pipes and drains.

For optimal protection of your basement, Armored Basement Waterproofing has got you covered. Contact us for a free and detailed inspection.