4 Worrying Signs of Black Mold Exposure, and What to Do

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Achoo, achoo, achoo! If you seem to be sneezing up a storm in your home, there’s a chance that you might have black mold exposure. 

Black mold is a type of toxic mold that grows in damp conditions and can cause serious harm to your health. 

If you’re concerned that you might be dealing with this issue, we can help. Keep reading to get an idea of some signs of black mold exposure to be on the lookout for so that you can tackle the issue before it gets out of hand.

What To Know About Black Mold

Before we jump into the key signs of black mold exposure, let’s take a minute to talk about what black mold actually is. 

Even though black mold sounds like a single type of mold, it actually refers to a couple of different mold species. These types of mold usually have either a dark green or black color, which is why they’re easy to pick out from other kinds of mold. 

Another thing to know about black mold is that many people call it toxic mold. While the mold can certainly cause health hazards, it’s not deadly to anyone who’s exposed to it. 

What’s more, black mold doesn’t have the same effects on everyone. Some people have severe allergic reactions while others don’t have any reaction to the mold at all. 

Regardless of this fact, it’s still important to get rid of black mold as fast as possible. That way you can keep yourself, your family, and your friends safe from getting any negative reactions to the mold.

Signs Of Black Mold Exposure

In many cases, you’ll have no problem spotting black mold. However, every now and then you might not be so sure whether you’re dealing with a black mold issue or not.

To help you determine if you’ve got a black mold issue, you can keep an eye out for a few key signs. Let’s check out for signs that your building is suffering from black mold exposure.

1. Dark Rings

Black mold begins growing when areas become saturated with water. This usually happens thanks to a leak in the home.

What you’ll notice is that black mold grows in a circular pattern. If you notice small, dark rings forming on your walls and ceiling, it’s a good indicator that you’ve got mold growth initiating. 

The good news about these black rings is that they mean you don’t have a full-fledged mold problem yet. You can bring in a team to help you remove these black rings so that you can get rid of the mold before it becomes a big issue.

2. Respiratory Issues

Another thing to remember when it comes to black mold is that it can sometimes cause respiratory issues. Just bear in mind that not everyone will suffer from these issues, nor will black mold be the sole cause of respiratory issues.

However, if black mold does cause you some breathing issues, you’ll usually experience a couple of other symptoms including:

  • Throat irritation
  • Coughing
  • Skin irritation
  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Difficulty breathing

Remember, these symptoms may be caused by black mold or they may be caused by other issues going on in the home. However, if you’re noticing these symptoms as well as a few other signs of black mold, there’s a good chance your home is exposed to the fungi.

3. Visible Spores

In some cases, it can be pretty obvious that you’ve got black mold growing in the home. If you have a water-damaged home you might start to see clusters of dark, round spores in your home. 

Make sure that you regularly check out your basement and other nooks and crannies of your home to ensure there’s no mold present. Don’t be afraid to look in darker areas of the home where it’s not as easy to see whether mold is growing or not. 

If you do notice spores, keep an eye out for a furry texture. The texture helps set the patch of mold growth apart from a liquid stain on your wall, floor, or furniture. 

4. An Earthy Scent

One unrecognizable sign that you have black mold in the home is if you begin to notice a musty or earthy smell in the air. If you notice this kind of smell, it’s time to start investigating your home to see if you’ve got mold growing. 

This is extra helpful if you suspect you might have black mold growing behind wallpaper, tile, or plaster. Sometimes, when water gets into the walls, the mold starts growing in these places and begins wreaking havoc even though you can’t see it. 

If you walk into a room or head down to your basement and notice that there’s a pungent or strange smell, it could mean that there’s black mold present. Just keep in mind that if you spend a lot of time in a particular room, you might get used to the scent. 

It’s important to pay attention if anyone spending time in your home brings up the scent. Investigate the area and make sure that your home isn’t posing a threat to yourself or your guests. 

Beat Black Mold In The Home

Now that you know a few warning signs of black mold exposure, you’re better able to prevent mold from getting into the home. One of the best ways to do that is with a waterproofing service. 

If you’re ready to waterproof your home and keep mold from growing, we can help. Give us a call and we’ll get your basement waterproofed in no time at all.