Why You Should be Supporting Veteran-Owned Businesses

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Any time that you’re looking for a service or a product, you want to make sure that the company you hire is going to do the job to the best of their abilities.

Unfortunately, that isn’t always guaranteed in this day in age. Many companies and services out there are more concerned with making a quick buck that genuinely cares about their customers and their needs.

When you hire a veteran-owned business, you’re getting the highest possible return on your investment.

See below ...

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Can You Waterproof Your Basement On Your Own? Everything You Must Know

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Having a basement is convenient, until it isn’t.

If you’re currently dealing with a wet basement, you’re not alone because over 60% of American homes deal with the same issue. The worst part is that close to 40% of them run the risk of basement mold, a category in which you don’t want to be a part of. Mold is increasingly dangerous, which is among the top reasons why you need to waterproof your basement.

Apart from mold, overlooking a ...

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Understanding Waterproofing: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

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Due to their underground nature, basements are perpetually subject to mass amounts of water. Over time, this water can cause serious damage to a basement, leading to foundation cracks, mold growth, and general flooding. 

This is why basement waterproofing exists. Need help understanding waterproofing? Then read on because we’re going to get into the detail below. 

Why is Waterproofing Necessary? 

First, you might be wondering why waterproofing is necessary in the first place. The answer can be summed up in two words: ...

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Interior Basement Waterproofing: Everything You Need To Know

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Did you know that one inch of flood water can cause as much as $25,000 worth of damage?

If that water gets in your basement, it can wreak havoc on your foundation, damage your keepsakes, and even lead to mold growth. Plus, most homeowners insurance policies won’t cover water damage from a flood. 

If you have a basement, the question isn’t if it will leak, but when. 

Luckily, interior basement waterproofing can keep moisture at bay without too much hassle. Read ...

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7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Basement Waterproofing Contractor

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Water damage is many homeowners’ worst nightmare. While many homeowners blame the roof for water damage, your precious basement can sometimes become a culprit. Basement water damage can destroy the floors, walls, and the entire home.

Before this happens, you need to waterproof your home starting with the basement.

Well, waterproofing your basement is a huge decision and needs a team of experts to do a serious job. You need to hire an experienced basement waterproofing contractor to ensure you get nothing but ...

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7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Waterproofing Basements

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It could happen to any home.

Your basement was fine one moment, and the next time you look, it’s completely flooded. You must have forgotten to make sure your basement was waterproofed before the rainy season hit!

To avoid a disaster like this, certain techniques can help with waterproofing basements before something goes wrong. Here is a list of things to avoid when waterproofing your basement.

1. Waterproofing Basements With Waterproofing Paint

While waterproof paint is a great way to protect your ...

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8 Signs of Damage to Look for When Waterproofing Your Basement

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When your home gets flooded from a heavy downpour or burst pipes, your basement is the first place that will suffer. This is for the most obvious reason, the basement is the closest to the ground and where the water reaches first before spreading to the entire house.

But sometimes water doesn’t enter your basement through floods and damaged pipes. Wet climatic conditions and humid air can also be the cause.

Whatever the case, it’s easy to notice the signs of damage, ...

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5 Reasons for Homeowners to Hire a Basement Waterproofing Professional

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Are you tired of dealing with water damage in your home’s basement? Do you fear that you’ll wake up one day to find your basement covered in water? If so, then you need to hire a basement waterproofing professional.

They’ll help you assess your situation and inform you of the best solution to waterproof your basement, protecting it from any damage along the way.

In fact, there are several reasons why you should consider hiring a professional waterproofing service. See below for ...

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Waterproof Your Basement: 8 Potential Health Issues Caused by Mold

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When water leaks into your home from the outside or leaking pipes, it’s always worrisome. Every time it rains, you may be rushing down to your basement to assess the damage. When water is left too long inside of a wall or near the source of a leak, dangerous mold can begin to grow.

Mold can cause serious health issues if left untreated. Is all mold toxic? Is mildew dangerous? We’ve rounded up the answers to all of your mold questions. ...

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How to Spot a Foundation Leak and What You Need to Do About It Now

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Nearly 98% of basements experience water damage at some point. 

This proves we must be cautious about foundation leaks and know how to spot them before they cause further damage.

If you’re unsure about foundation leak signs, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know.

Signs of Foundation Leaks

Before we jump into how to fix foundation leaks, it’s important to know the signs so you can take immediate action. The following are symptoms of a foundation leak.

Check ...

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